Technology advice, practical solutions, real results.

Have a Great Holiday!

Happy 236th Birthday America!!

The staff at CMIT hopes that you have a happy and safe 4th of July, and a great summer!
As always, special thanks to our troops and veterans.

Prevent Your Password From Becoming Easy Pickings (Or PyPfbEp)

As seen on

When 6.5 million LinkedIn passwords were stolen earlier this month, the revelation made Internet users think again about their ubiquitous words and phrases, and what they can do to make their online accounts a bit safer.

Shoppers in a suburban Seattle mall were asked recently about their password habits. Aaron Brown and Erin Gilmer have very different approaches.

"I try to keep as few as possible," Brown said.

And Gilmer said she has too many.

"They are totally weird. I just make up a different one for a different thing every time," Gilmer said.
"Usually it doesn't even make any sense. Most of the time I can't remember it later."

And therein lies the conundrum. If passwords are simple, they're not very secure. And when they're complicated, they're hard to remember. Perhaps it's not surprising that simplicity usually wins and hackers are happy about that.

"In the LinkedIn case, hackers stole data that LinkedIn had in a database somewhere that was supposed to be protected," says Eve Maler, a security and risk analyst at Forrester Research.

"What they ended up getting for their trouble was password hashes. They're kind of like encrypted versions of passwords — [it] looks like gobbledygook," Maler says.

In some cases cyberattackers can decipher gobbledygook and get actual passwords, especially if those passwords are not very robust.

So far, there is no evidence that happened in the LinkedIn case, but many Internet users have just one password for all of their accounts. So if the bad guys have your LinkedIn password, they may also have the password for your online banking.

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Identity Theft Seminar!

Our computers are great assets, but they can also be a source of danger.
Attend this event and learn how to protect your identity and the information that you are safeguarding for your clients and employees.
CPA's will be earn two CPE credits, all others will learn a lot!

Join Us!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012
8AM- 10AM
Registration 7:45 AM
Ducks Stadium/ Bethpage Ballpark
3 Courthouse Drive
Central Islip, NY

Sandra G. Johnson, CPA EA CFE of Sandra G. Johnson CPA
Armando D'Accordo, President of CMIT Solutions of South Nassau
Christine Ippolito, Professional HR Expert of Compass Workforce Solutions
Steve Innerfield of Quality Shredding

Seminar Cost Includes Breakfast:

$20/pp on or before June 15th
$30/pp after Friday, June 15th
(Raffle Prizes Available!!)

Remit Payment to:
Check payable to Educational Foundation of NS/NCCPAP

         22 Jericho Turnpike-ste 110
              Mineola, NY 11501
                    (888) 488-5400

             REGISTER ONLINE at

CMIT Solutions is pleased to announce that it has won the top prize in the Computer Services category of the Best of Long Island 2012 Contest! We are also very proud to have placed second in the Green Business category. We care about the environment and we strive to give our clients excellent service, and the results show that we are achieving our goals. Over a million Long Islanders voted for their favorite businesses in a variety of categories, and the CMIT Solutions Long Island team would like to thank everyone who nominated us, and voted for us.
CMIT Solutions of Long Island will be sponsoring
HIA-LI's second Wellness Challenge!

The challenge will begin on January 9, 2012 and end on March 11, 2012.

A wellness program is an organized, employer-sponsored program that is designed to support employees (and sometimes, their families) as they adopt and sustain behaviors that reduce health risks, improve quality of life, enhance personal effectiveness and benefit the organizations bottom line.

You can find out more about HIA-LI's Wellness Challenge by visiting their website at: